Skyttegatan 18 A - English version


If you study at folk high school, college or university, we can offer you student housing.


For those of you who study at a university, college or community college, we have student housing at Runabacken, Skyttegatan 18 A. The apartments are 1-2 rooms with a kitchen and bathroom. The apartments are rented unfurnished.


The majority of laundry rooms are in the property. It is possible to rent a parking space with an engine heater. Gironet fiber is included in the apartments.

To get in touch with our neighborhood host in the area, contact our customer service.

Information about Skyttegatan 18A

Here you will find information about your new residential area.

To enter the stairwell, you need access to the gate code/tag or the key you received when you signed in your apartment key. Mailboxes are on the ground floor in the stairwell.

For your security, there is a security door to your apartment. Here you can read how to open and lock your security door. , 686.7 kB.

Letterboxes are on the ground floor in the stairwell. You open the mailbox with your key, which you sign when you hand over the key.

The laundry room on floor 1 is shared by the apartments on the ground floor and floor 1, the other floors have a laundry room on each floor.

Booking takes place with a booking cylinder at the respective laundry. Washing time can be booked every day between 07.00 and 20.00.

Apartment storage is on the ground floor. The storage rooms are marked with apartment numbers. You use your own padlock for your storage.

On the ground floor you will find the waste sorting room where you enter with your apartment key/tag. For everyone's comfort, do not leave your rubbish outside the apartment door, sort your waste according to instructions. Here you can read how to sort your waste: Sort your rubbish correctly Länk till annan webbplats.

More information about Waste disposal.

Bicycles can be stored in the basement.

As a tenant, you are responsible for signing two electricity contracts, one electricity network subscription with the electricity network supplier Vattenfall Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster. and one agreement for electricity delivery with a electricity trading company of your choice. You can find your apartment number and facility ID on your agreement. Here you can read more about how e-subsciprions works. , 102.1 kB.

The apartments have fiber connected via Gironet. You are responsible for signing an agreement that suits you with one of Gironet's service providers for TV, internet and telephony. Read more at Gironet. Länk till annan webbplats.

Manual for connecting TV and computer to a fiber connection in the fiber converter. , 241.5 kB.


Vacant parking spaces are published on our website.

Contact customer service to put yourself in the parking queue.

Contact our customer service for all matters relating to your apartment. Here you will find contact details for customer service.

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